Största genombrottet för munhälsan sedan fluor: Sigrid lanserar SiPore

Biggest impact on oral health since introduction of fluoride predicted as Sigrid Therapeutics announces market readiness of SiPore® Professional Care and Consumer Range Products.

SiPore® SMART silica particles provide formidable first line defense against caries and plaque formation.

  • Depletes salivary amylase and reduces carbohydrate digestion
  • Instant and lasting effect
  • Compatible with existing oral care products
  • Commercial supply chain in place
  • First SiPore® -fortified products could reach market as early as 2025

Sigrid Therapeutics today announced the market readiness of SiPore® for both the professional and consumer oral health markets. In studies with human saliva, SiPore® particles have a dramatic impact – depleting salivary amylase by up 75%. This in turn decreases carbohydrate digestion leading to a 45% reduction in biofilm formation, with the potential to result in less plaque formation and caries. Leading experts are already calling SiPore® the biggest advance in oral health since fluoride. In-house studies show SiPore® particles can be added to a range of commercially available oral health care products. With the supply chain being finalized, Sigrid is currently in active discussion with global oral health care companies and predicts the first products could reach the market by late 2025.

 “We’ve had incredible interest in SiPore® and its potential use in oral health right from the beginning. Both from leading experts and oral health companies. I am proud of our achievements and based on our ongoing discussions with global partners, I believe it is realistic to have the first SiPore®-fortified products on the market by the end of 2025.”Sana Alajmovic, CEO of Sigrid Therapeutics.

Sigrid is targeting two key market segments for SiPore®:
Professional Care: Dental manufactures will incorporate the SiPore® technology into professional oral care products such as fluoride varnish, prophy paste, desensitizers, gels and be sold to dental clinics for the use by dental professionals.

 Consumer Health: Global consumer health care companies will incorporate the SiPore® technology into their products and sell them directly to consumers (D2C) through GFT, e-commerce, and pharmacies.

Furthermore, SiPore® has the added benefit of providing a PRE-caries solution by reducing pH drops with the potential to prevent tooth demineralization before damage has occurred. Used as an add-on or combination effect with Fluoride, SiPore® exerts its effect before Fluoride does, offering additional protection where mechanical brushing can’t reach. This follows the recent report from the European Federation of Periodontology that highlighted the pressing need for increased preventative oral health care. Professor Iain Chapple of Birmingham University was one of the lead authors and sees the potential of SiPore®: “Having seen the technology, scientific portfolio and safety data, it was clear that the potential oral and systemic health benefits of SiPore® are tangible and could be field changing – perhaps the biggest innovation since fluoride!”

”Caries and periodontitis are among the most prevalent noncommunicable diseases globally, affecting approximately 3.5 billion people. Any method to improve oral health will have significant impacts on individuals and health economics within society. As a dentist, I see great potential for SiPore®, once it becomes commercially available, to become an important tool for both consumers and professionals in enhancing oral health,” says Damir Konakovic, Head of the Oral Health Division.

Sana Alajmovic, CEO of Sigrid Therapeutics, says: “We’ve had incredible interest in SiPore® and its potential use in oral health right from the beginning. Both from leading experts and oral health companies. I am proud of our achievements and based on our ongoing discussions with global partners, I believe it is realistic to have the first SiPore®-fortified products on the market by the end of 2025.”